I've got a problem calling "$" on some range type. It all looks perfectly fine 
to me. Atm I would tend to think it's a compiler error. Here is the simplified 
    const MAX_THREADS* = 64
    const MAX_TOPICS* = 1048576
    const MAX_PROCESSES* = int(4294967296'i64 div int64(MAX_THREADS * 
      ThreadID* = range[0'u8..uint8(MAX_THREADS-1)]
        ## Thread ID, within process.
      ProcessID* = range[0'u16..uint16(MAX_PROCESSES-1)]
        ## Process ID of thread.
      TopicID* = range[0'u32..uint32(MAX_TOPICS-1)]
        ## TopicID, within thread.
    proc `$` *(id: ThreadID): string {.inline.} =
      ## Somehow, default `$` is ambiguous.
    proc `$` *(id: ProcessID): string {.inline.} =
      ## Somehow, default `$` is ambiguous.
    proc `$` *(id: TopicID): string {.inline.} =
      ## Somehow, default `$` is ambiguous.
      QueueID* = distinct uint32
        ## The complete queue ID, containing the process ID, thread ID and 
topic ID.
    proc tid*(queue: QueueID): ThreadID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc pid*(queue: QueueID): ProcessID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc cid*(queue: QueueID): TopicID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc `$` *(queue: QueueID): string =
      ## String representation of a QueueID.
      let p = $pid(queue)
      let tt: ThreadID = tid(queue)
      let t = $tt                 # ERROR LINE
      let c = $cid(queue)
      p & "." & t & "." & c

And it fails to compile with:
    kueues.nim(356, 13) Error: ambiguous call; both kueues.$(id: 
ThreadID)[declared in kueues.nim(130, 5)]
    and kueues.$(id: ProcessID)[declared in kueues.nim(134, 5)] match for: 

ThreadID is a range of uint8, and ProcessID is a range of uint16. I do not see 
how I could possibly be more explicit than I already am, which is IMO already 
"too" explicit. The original (working) code, used to look like this:
    const MAX_THREADS* = 64
    const MAX_TOPICS* = 1048576
    # ...
    const MAX_PROCESSES* = int(4294967296'i64 div int64(MAX_THREADS * 
      ThreadID* = range[0..MAX_THREADS-1]
        ## Thread ID, within process.
      ProcessID* = range[0..MAX_PROCESSES-1]
        ## Process ID of thread.
      TopicID* = range[0..MAX_TOPICS-1]
        ## TopicID, within thread.
      QueueID* = distinct uint32
        ## The complete queue ID, containing the process ID, thread ID and 
topic ID.
    proc tid*(queue: QueueID): ThreadID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc pid*(queue: QueueID): ProcessID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc cid*(queue: QueueID): TopicID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
      ## Dummy simplified impl!
    proc `$` *(queue: QueueID): string =
      ## String representation of a QueueID.
      $pid(queue) & "." & $tid(queue) & "." & $cid(queue)

Then I decided to change ThreadID, ProcessID and TopicID from range of int, to 
range of appropriate specific size (uint8/uint16/uint32). That is when I got 
the error. First I added the explicit $(ThreadID), $(ProcessID) and $(TopicID) 
procs and then tried to break the $(QueueID) proc into multiple steps. But I 
cannot get rid of the error.

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