> So you DID inspect C code differences and also checked another compiler, but 
> you still blame Nim, not gcc, for that time difference? Even to the point of 
> calling it a security issue?

Excuse me @Udiknedormin, maybe you aren't fluent in English? I have not 
_blamed_ Nim or gcc. I have asked the question, is it a Nim or gcc ` problem`? 
Since gcc, and clang, produce the same characteristic of the `problem` for the 
same Nim code (at least on my Intel I7 cpu system), maybe it's something else. 
I don't know. To me it's an interesting anomaly that needs fuller investigation.

Also, I merely made the generic statement that this `could` become a security 
issue. Any time you have code that behaves in an unexpected way, someone may be 
able to exploit it. Why do you think Google, Mozilla, et al, pay bounties for 
people to find security bugs in their code? (In fact, Mozilla funded the 
creation (and uses) Rust to eliminate a whole class of coding problems 
afflicting its browser code.)

It would be nice if you all chill out, and stop being so defensive, and focus 
in on the technical merits, and implications, of the issue.

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