Hi all, 7drl - [http://7drl.org](http://7drl.org)/ \- starts this weekend. I figured I'd mention it here, as there are some bindings available to some roguelike development themed libraries in the Nim community floating around.
I personally just finished bindings to - [http://foo.wyrd.name/en:bearlibterminal](http://foo.wyrd.name/en:bearlibterminal) \- which is a terminal emulator with an OpenGL drawing backend. I've never used the library but here's a screenshot of it running on my macbook pro - alternate text I'll be posting the bindings on github and updating this thread with the url shortly. A buddy of mine is giving them a test run this go round for 7drl, as well as Nim, so I'll be supporting the bindings if anything doesn't work correctly. Bindings also exist to another popular roguelike library libtcod - [http://roguecentral.org/doryen/libtcod](http://roguecentral.org/doryen/libtcod)/ [https://github.com/Vladar4/libtcod_nim](https://github.com/Vladar4/libtcod_nim) If anyone has any questions about the competition or wants to hang out during it, lots of folks hang out in #rgrd on irc.quakenet.org Good luck to anyone who decides to compete and if you have any questions feel free to ask me here or in #nim !