Thanks for that suggestion; I've made some progress. You were right to wonder 
whether it was related to passing parameters by value. It turns out that
    proc fprint*(value: value_t; stream: File): clonglong {.cdecl,
        importc: "neo4j_fprint", dynlib: libneo4j.}

gets converted to 
    typedef N_CDECL_PTR(long long, TY_cCLPRp1DVAZDRduZNEg73g) 
(value_t_0EYYJ3aKtwLRJQYI9cfqKlA* value, FILE* stream);

For some reason, what should be passed by value instead gets passed by 
reference, which of course confuses the actual C implementation. When I 
manually edited the C output to fix this, everything worked as expected. Any 
idea how I can make Nim compile my code correctly? Or is this a compiler bug?

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