Well, importing itself can be done easily like this:
    {.emit: """
    #define HELLO_WORLD 10
    var x {.importc: "HELLO_WORLD", nodecl.}: cint
    echo x

This will generate `LOC1 = nimIntToStr(((NI) (HELLO_WORLD)));`, which directly 
uses the name. Good.

But what if the user:
    x = 20
    echo cast[int](addr x)

Nim compiler produces no error for these, and the errors are reported by the C 
compiler, which looks kinda cryptic.

What I want is, something like:
    let x {.importc: "HELLO_WORLD", nodecl.}: cint

where Nim compiler reports errors on modification or taking address of `x`, 
while the usage of `x` generates `HELLO_WORLD` the symbol instead of `10` the 

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