Thank you, I did different approach. I followed from this stackoverflow thread 
about cross compiling 

I was stuck because I added `sysroot` option to the compiler when compiling C 
and after I looked your example, I realized I need to add `--compileOnly` to 
Nim compiler and do compiling as usual

* * *

For completeness, this is what I did
    > set 
    > nim --cpu:arm --os:android --compileOnly hello.nim
    > cd nimcache
    > arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.exe -I my-installed-nim-folder/lib hello.c 
stdlib_system.c -o hello 
    > adb root     # starting adb server, make sure adb.exe in PATH
    > adb push hello /data/local/tmp
    > adb shell
    $ su
    # cd /data/local/tmp
    # chmod 755 hello
    # ./hello
    cross compiled hello

I cross-compiled from Windows 10 64 bit too and targeting android-19 (4.4) 

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