Yes, Stefan_Salewski is right: 
      NodeKind = enum  # the different node types
        nkInt,          # a leaf with an integer value
        nkFloat        # a leaf with a float value
      # Version 1 with object variant
      Node = ref NodeObj
      NodeObj = object
        case kind: NodeKind  # the ``kind`` field is the discriminator
        of nkInt: intVal: int
        of nkFloat: floatVal: float
      # Version 2 with conditional fields
      Node2[NK] = ref NodeObj2[NK]
      NodeObj2[NK: static[NodeKind]] = object
        when NK == nkInt:
          intVal: int
        elif NK == nkFloat:
          floatVal: float
    # Compiles fine
    let a = @[NodeObj(kind: nkInt), NodeObj(kind: nkFloat)]
    # Doesn't compile
    let b = @[NodeObj2[nkInt](), NodeObj2[nkFloat]()]

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