Hi there, Quick question coming from a newbie to Nim (Love the language btw ) The question is in regards to the expandMacros macro in the macros module. Here is the most basic macro that I can find that demonstrates the problem: macro named(identifier): untyped = result = newProc(identifier, [ident("string")], newNimNode(nnkWhileStmt).add( ident("true"), newNimNode(nnkReturnStmt).add(newStrLitNode("hi")) ) )
just doing named(TestMethod) Doesn't raise any problems however doing expandMacros: named(TestMethod2) Does raise some problems with the compiler: [https://ibb.co/dcZN6v](https://ibb.co/dcZN6v) >From my very limited knowledge is seems the problem comes from the >expandMacros injecting some weird gunk into the expansion. Although I could >just be completely blind/wrong to something. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks, -Andy M| ---|---