If you read [the actual 
article](https://compileandrun.com/stuggles-with-rust.html), look at its 
horrifying Rust code trying for a ConfigParser substitute, and see the author's 
[conclusion](https://archive.is/ElUzm#selection-2299.0-2299.75) to stick with 
Python - **"Use Nim" is EXACTLY the right response!**

Should he have said: "Use Nim - it's a statically-typed compiled language that 
about equals Rust in performance, but has a much cleaner higher-level 
Python-flavored syntax, and a very Pythonic parsecfg module in stdlib"? That's 
only better for the RTFMably challenged readers who've never heard of Nim 
before (like those down-voters, most likely).

My comments on HN are [deceptively censored](https://archive.is/87BaK), which 
is an extremely intellectually dishonest practice - my anger at them is 100% 

And note that I didn't call their whole community "Nazi scum", as in the 
historical political party. I called some of them, the down-voters, "intolerant 
trigger-happy nazi scum". Lowercase "nazi" means "obsessive mean person", like: 
a "[soup nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Soup_Nazi)", a "grammar nazi", 
or a "license freedom nazi" (like me). 

> it would be nice to see how the equivalent Nim program would look like. Nor 
> would there by any need to post it to the thread as well.

Why would someone spend time writing anything beyond "Use Nim" on a deceptive 
[libricidal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_burning) site like HN, which 
would send their thoughtful detailed arguments and code examples to /dev/null? 

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