Sometimes profanity is a good way to accentuate your arguments. I can 
appreciate that. Your post doesn't use much of it, but it's still not something 
that I can reasonably allow on this forum.

With this in mind, I will politely ask you to remove the profanity. All you 
need to do is remove the two offending words: "retarded" and "sucking". I 
believe that removing these words or replacing them with something less 
offensive won't change the meaning of your message.

I am of course willing to hear any arguments for why you (or anyone else) 
thinks these words should remain. Unlike the Reddit community I despise shadow 
bans and prefer not to remove posts when possible, that said I must admit that 
being able to discuss issues such as this with the offender is a luxury that 
doesn't scale well.

I'm afraid that if you don't comply, I will perform this edit myself.

It's nice to see that @libman has already engaged you in a discussion. I would 
like to continue that.

As a side note, it would be helpful if you could also edit the formatting of 
your post. Use the `>` to create quoted text, this will word wrap and be easier 
to read.

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