@Araq - fabulous. I think a B-Tree in the stdlib would be great.

@mratsim - I think you meant `collections.intsets` with a 't' which does _not_ 
yield items() in key order.

The built-in `set[up to int16]` type _does_ (implicitly) order its keys, 
though. @cdome also did not mention how large the integers he needed to support 
were, but he said "int" which I took to be the standard Nim `int` which is too 
big for a `set[]`. Also, while the set `incl` operations of `set[int16]` are 
unbeatable performance-wise, iterating over the set can be relatively slow if 
the set is not populated -- e.g., if you do int16 and only have 10 unique 
numbers, you still have to loop over 65536 entries to convert to a seq[int].

You can play around with this little program to see the various effects. 
    import sets, intsets, times, random, sequtils, algorithm
    let trials = 10000
    let numberRange = 1000 # 10000
    let doPrint = false
    var Is = initIntSet()
    let tI0 = epochTime()
    for i in 1..trials: Is.incl(random(numberRange))
    var Iss = toSeq(items(Is))
    echo "IntSet time:       ", epochTime() - tI0
    if doPrint: echo Iss
    var Hs = initSet[int]()
    let tH0 = epochTime()
    for i in 1..trials: Hs.incl(random(numberRange))
    var Hss = toSeq(items(Hs))
    echo "HashSet[int] time: ", epochTime() - tH0
    if doPrint: echo Hss
    var Ss: set[int16]
    let tS0 = epochTime()
    for i in 1..trials: Ss.incl(int16(random(numberRange)))
    var Sss = toSeq(items(Ss))
    echo "set[int] time:     ", epochTime() - tS0
    if doPrint: echo Sss

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