> What do you say, does it make sense?

Somewhat.  I don't mind PRs so that a Chocolatey script becomes part of "core" 
Nim, but that does not solve anything for us core devs, in fact, it creates 
more work for us. I certainly don't want the installation to depend on 
Chocolatey, it's not an official part of Windows, most likely doesn't work on 
Windows XP etc etc, so the old ways to install Nim would continue to exist. The 
main feature of Windows is that software can be installed without much trouble.

> As you can see it's not a great deal of code. Of course, this one relies on 
> Nim setup, but Chocolatey can handle unpacking archives and do all sorts of 
> operations with it — PowerShell does a good job at setting env-vars, 
> registering apps, and anything else Windows-related.

But I don't want to write PowerShell scripts. Been there, done that, thanks I'd 
rather write Nim programs instead.

**Every officially sanctioned way to install Nim needs to be tested, for every 
single release.** Right now we support:

  * installation from tar.xz.
  * installation from the zips.
  * installation via the installer.exe.
  * installation from github.

You think we can add "installation via Chocolatey" to this list and it would 
help us. No, it wouldn't. It would help _you_ as a user of Chocolatey. 

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