**@wiffel**, Oh! `items()`. That makes perfect sense. Thanks.

I'm still wondering about the JSON problem. (Maybe I should try a separate 
thread for that. But here is the last issue in this thread:
    proc reversed(s: string): string =
      result = newString(s.len)
      for i,c in s:
        result[s.high - i] = c
    proc rc(s: string): seq[char] =
      return future.lc[c| (c <- items(reversed(s))), char]
    @[a, c, a, t, t, a, G]

But that's wrong. Here is what I want: 
    proc rc(s: string): seq[char] =
      return future.lc[ rcmap[c] | (c <- items(reversed(s))), char ]
    graph_to_utgs.nim(29, 25) Error: could not resolve: rcmap[c]

At first, I thought the problem was the list-comprehension, but in fact, I get 
the same message from this simple code: 
    for a in tables.keys(rcmap):
      echo $a, rcmap[a]


What am I doing wrong? Isn't `rcmap` a simple `table[char,char]`?

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