Hi @mashingan, @Stefan_Salewski

I find it impossible to allocate memory for array, as when I try to do 
something like:
    var p_arr = alloc(size_of(array[int, 3]))

I get a 'type expected' error.

Besides, if array is created on the stack then passing a pointer to it is 
meaningless anyway. So I have tried with a sequence instead,
    proc test_arr(): ptr seq[int] {.cdecl, exportc} =
      var list = newSeq[int](3)
      list[0] = 4
      list[1] = 5
      list[2] = 6
      GC_ref(list) # mark it as referenced
      return addr list

In theory, this should work: the sequence goes on the heap, I'm preventing it 
from being swept by the GC and I'm returning a pointer to the client. But it 
doesn't, I'm still getting rubbish numbers on the client side I have tried a 
number of variations on this theme but no luck 

Any suggestions / ideas will be very welcome

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