I use 0.18.0, so the results may differ, of course. When running in the 
browser, I get the same results as with version 0.18.0.

Maybe the compiler does some optimization but it cannot consider that _a_ and 
_b_ are not used in another place: they are used by _echo_.

Assigning with **var** works, of course, so, it 's clearly an optimization when 
assigning to a read-only object. I suppose, this has been done for performance 

I have tried with version 0.17.2. Indeed, I get a strange result in the first 
case, i.e.
    @[0, 1, 2, 3]
    @[54014246935360, 1]

So it seems that some bug has been fixed in version 0.18.0. For the other 
tests, the results are indeed the same.

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