I'm very much looking forward to a Nim 1.0. Whatever you think about the 
rationality of prospective users, 1.0 is a signal for many people that it is 
ready to try _for real_.

I'm also very happy that **concepts** have been receiving a lot of love lately. 
I'm more optimistic that they won't have to be behind some **experimental** 
pragma. Thanks `@zahary` and `@mora` for all of your work. This is a highly 
desired feature!

Looking at the todo.txt, it looks like it's mostly bug fixes to get to a 1.0. 
So hopefully we'll see that release long before 2017. Some of the issues in the 
not essential block seem easy, like **[..]** to address the so called 
**x.f[T](y) gotcha**. Some, like destructors, may need some careful thinking.

@dom96, I bought your Manning MEAP as soon as I saw the announcement. I have 
yet to put in some comments, since I already know a bit of Nim, but it is great 
to have a book to point people to, in addition to all of the great online docs 
by `@def` and others. I'll try and get around to it soon. This is a good year 
for Nim!

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