I have pushed latest Nim GTK3 editor to github:



Of course that is more a test and example for GTK3 than a real editor like Vim 
or Emacs :)

But "Check" and "Goto Definition" from nimsuggest is really useful, method 
suggestions may need still some investigation.

No mimble support due to the well known name conflicts, if you really want to 
test it, you may use the instructions from above as for the chess game. Replace

git clone 


git clone [https://github.com/ngtk3/NEd](https://github.com/ngtk3/NEd)

go into NEd directory and execute "bash make_it".

That is a bit ugly and works only for gcc, the reason is that we have to build 
resource files from the XML definitions.

A Nim syntax file and the dark color scheme is included, you have to copy it 
where it may belong.

Not really tested yet, maybe recent cleanup has introduced errors. (It uses 
GSettings for storing user font selection and color scheme, unfortunately I do 
not know how to reset GSettings for a fresh, clean test. So it may occur that 
it will not work really nice for you. And I tested only with 64 bit Linux and 
GTK 3.18) In the next days I will add some docs to github README.

And I do indeed intend to use it for Nim coding!

Ctrl E: Mark errors Ctrl D: Goto definition, for example move text cursor over 
a proc name and try... Ctrl F: Find word under cursor or selected text -- press 
again to toggle. Ctrl Space: Method suggestions, type 1.2. and Ctrl Space when 
cursor is on right side of period. Or type begining of an identifier and then 
Ctrl Space.

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