Yes ! It worked for me as well (in Windows). Thanks a lot Wolf.

However, I noticed the Nim Soundex function 
expects for a single token not for a full string. So, I made some chances in 
the Python code to properly handle that:
        test_lib.AmericanSoundex.argtype = c_char_p
        test_lib.AmericanSoundex.restype = c_char_p
        mystring = 'robert james fischer'
        soundex_res = ''
        for token in mystring.split():
            p_input = create_string_buffer(token, 100)
            soundex_res = soundex_res + test_lib.AmericanSoundex(p_input) + ' '
        print('The Soundex is:', soundex_res.strip())

The correct Soundex for the great "Robert James Fischer" is 'R163 J520 F260'


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