Using Nim 0.17.

Afer reading the Nim manual on Parallel programming, and how to use **spawn** 
and **parallel** I can't get the following code to compile.
    proc residue_sieve(r: int, Kn: int) =
      let row  = r * pcnt                # set address to ith row in next[]
      let seg_rti: int = r * KB          # start of seg mem for this restrack
      for j, prime in primes:            # for each prime <= sqrt(N) for 
        if next[row+j] < uint(Kn):       # if 1st mult resgroup index <= seg 
          var k: int = int(next[row+j])  # get its resgroup value
          while k < Kn:                  # for each primenth byte < segment size
            seg[seg_rti + k] += 1'u8     # set ith residue in segment as 
            k += prime                   # compute next prime multiple resgroup
          next[row+j] = uint(k - Kn)     # 1st resgroup in next eligible segment
        else: next[row+j] -= uint(Kn)    # if 1st mult resgroup index > seg size
    proc segsieve(Kn: int) =             # for Kn resgroups in segment
      for b in 0 .. <B:                  # for every byte in the segment
        seg[b] = 0                       # set every byte bit to prime (0)
      for r in 0 .. <rescnt:             # for each ith (of 8) residues for P5
        spawn residue_sieve(r, Kn)       # perform sieve for each separate 

I use **import threadpool** and compile with the **\--threads:on** directive, 
but get this error.
    [jzakiya@jabari-pc nim]$ nim c --cc:clang --d:release  --threads:on 
    Hint: used config file '/etc/nim.cfg' [Conf]
    Hint: system [Processing]
    Hint: ssozp5x [Processing]
    Hint: math [Processing]
    Hint: strutils [Processing]
    Hint: parseutils [Processing]
    Hint: algorithm [Processing]
    Hint: typetraits [Processing]
    Hint: threadpool [Processing]
    Hint: cpuinfo [Processing]
    Hint: os [Processing]
    Hint: times [Processing]
    Hint: posix [Processing]
    Hint: ospaths [Processing]
    Hint: linux [Processing]
    Hint: cpuload [Processing]
    ssozp5x.nim(127, 24) Error: 'spawn' takes a GC safe call expression
    [jzakiya@jabari-pc nim]$

After readind the docs, I don't know what a GC (garbage collected) safe call 
expression is, or how to make one meet it. Can someone explain how to get this 
code to compile?

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