@Araq Here is a minimal example. This is compiled with "vcc". It compiles to C, 
but not to C++.
      VolatilePtr*[T] = distinct ptr T
    proc toVolatilePtr*[T](t: var T): VolatilePtr[T] =
      cast[VolatilePtr[T]](addr t)
      # Pretend we're actually checking it's volatile, which is apparently not 
possible to do.
    var my_vbyte {.volatile.}: byte = 42'u8
    var my_vbyte_ptr = toVolatilePtr[byte](my_vbyte)
      AtomType* = SomeNumber|pointer|ptr|char|bool
    when defined(cpp):
      proc interlockedOr8(p: pointer; value: int8): int8
        {.importcpp: "_InterlockedOr8(static_cast<char volatile *>(#), #)", 
header: "<intrin.h>".}
      proc interlockedOr8(p: pointer; value: int8): int8
        {.importc: "_InterlockedOr8", header: "<intrin.h>".}
    proc atomicLoadFull*[T: AtomType](p: VolatilePtr[T]): T {.inline.} =
      let pp = cast[pointer](p)
      when sizeof(T) == 1:
        cast[T](interlockedOr8(pp, 0'i8))
      else: # TODO, sizeof(T) == (2|4|8)
        static: assert(false, "invalid parameter size: " & $sizeof(T))
    assert(atomicLoadFull(my_vbyte_ptr) == 42'u8)
    src\nimcache\abc_volatile2.cpp(306): error C2664: 'NU8 
*toVolatilePtr_EP8VL8ilqAQ1Zz9bJAA4rwQ(NU8 &)':
         cannot convert argument 1 from 'volatile NU8' to 'NU8 &'
    src\nimcache\abc_volatile2.cpp(306): note: Conversion loses qualifiers

I've had the issue that the error doesn't always come, if I don't delete the 
nimcache, but I think it's caused by VS Code compiling automatically as well, 
using a different configuration.

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