Is there a way to get unmodified / uninterpreted source code (as either string 
or AST) of an expression in a macro?

motivation 1: to allow writing logging functions that show exact expression on 
left hand side, eg: mylog(1+1) # prints 1+1=2 motivation 2: to allow writing 
smart assert function that shows values of expression in assert when it failed, 
eg: myassert(1+1==3) #errors with: assert failed: 1+1(=2) == 3(3)

in Nim I wasn't able to make it work with toStrLit as it seems to do 
const-folding before it's being passed as AST, so my implementations of mylog 
and myassert only work well with runtime expressions that aren't const-folded:
    macro mylog(x:typed): typed =
      result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, x)
      result.add(newCall("write", newIdentNode("stdout"), toStrLit(x)))
      result.add(newCall("write", newIdentNode("stdout"), newStrLitNode(":")))
      result.add(newCall("writeLine", newIdentNode("stdout"), x))
    var x=1
    mylog(x+1) # x + 1:2  (OK but I'd rather want exact source code with 
spacing eg: `x+1:2`)
    mylog(1+1) # 2:2 (not OK, I want: 1+1: 2)

NOTE: In D I had a PR that achieved exactly that: 
 ; you can see further motivations for this feature there.

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