So final version from my first post would now look like:  
(I took variantp from andrea's patty and added my version of match)  

    template match*(t: typed, handlers: openArray): untyped =
        var x = ord(t.kind)

    import patty
    variantp Message:
        msgHit(target: string, hp: int)
        msgDeath(died: string)
        msgDayNight(isDay: bool)
    # normally queue
    var messages*: Message
    proc getTextHit(m: Message): string = "You hit " & & " for " & 
$m.hp & " HP."
    proc getTextDeath(m: Message): string = m.died & " just died."
    proc getTextDayNight(m: Message): string =
        if m.isDay:
            result = "The day has just begun."
            result = "Beware! Night is coming."
    proc getText*(m: Message): string =
        match(m, [getTextHit, getTextDeath, getTextDayNight])

    from message import msgDayNight, messages, getText
    # game time system
    proc informAboutDay() =
        messages = msgDayNight(isDay = true)
    # player informer
    proc update() =
        echo( getText(messages) )
    when isMainModule:

Sweet. Except two things. First andrea's version is complicated and I do not 
understand it, so if by accident it stops working with new version of nim i am 
doomed. Second, I do not understand how my simple _match_ version is working, 
even though I wrote it and it is working... 

BTW: Is it possible instead of playing with AST in macros to spit just code 
built from strings? Like in static block i could create few lines of code which 
would be then compiled as rest of normal code? I know, this is wrong approach 
and AST is proper but still... 

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