Hej all,

I am new here and new to the language. In essence I am playing around to get 
familiar with NIM.

Currently, I am trying to reproduce the example on JavaScript invocation from 
the documentation, see [JavaScript invocation 

There it says:

> If the browser supports javascript, you should see the value 10. In 
> JavaScript the echo proc will modify the HTML DOM and append the string.

When I create and compile the files as described, I do not get the number _10_ 
displayed in the browser (in neither Firefox, Chromium, Safari). However, I get 
_10_ written to the console output. That makes sense to me as the compiled JS 
function rawEcho writes the number to the log.
    function rawEcho() {
                          var buf = "";
          for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
            buf += toJSStr(arguments[i]);

I was now wondering if I misunderstand the documentation or if I have to do 
something more as the documentation continues with:

> Use the dom module for specific DOM querying and modification procs.

Can anyone please point me to what I could do to make the code behave as 
described in the documentation? I am running Nim version 0.17.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.
    $ nim --version
    Nim Compiler Version 0.17.2 (2017-09-07) [Linux: amd64]
    Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf
    git hash: 811fbdafd958443ddac98ad58c77245860b38620

Thanks in advance and best regards, Helge

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