
I'm trying to understand what goes on in "lib\system\atomics.nim". This is in 
part because I'm missing atomicLoadN/atomicStoreN on Windows, and I'm trying to 
work out how to implement that myself. I've just stumbled upon this declaration 
(atomics.nim, line #220):
     interlockedCompareExchange8(p: pointer; exchange, comparand: byte): byte
      {.importc: "_InterlockedCompareExchange64", header: "<intrin.h>".}

At first, I though using __InterlockedCompareExchange64_ was a bug, but then I 
found out that there is no __InterlockedCompareExchange8_.

So, I guess _exchange_ and _comparand_ get cast to __int64_, and the return 
value just gets cast to _byte_. So far so good.

But __InterlockedCompareExchange64_ assumes _p_ points to a __int64_ value, and 
so will overwrite the _8 bytes_ at that location.

How can that not go horribly wrong?

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