_stdcall_ is in the original **pdcurses** wrapper, but it produces the same 
result, that is why I tried _cdecl_.

The enire function signature is: 
    PDCEX int wmove(WINDOW *, int, int);

The **PDCEX** macro is this: 
    #ifdef PDC_DLL_BUILD
    # ifdef CURSES_LIBRARY
    #  define PDCEX __declspec(dllexport) extern
    # else
    #  define PDCEX __declspec(dllimport)
    # endif
    # define PDCEX extern

And yes, I don't know that much about type signatures, but I used _cdecl_ with 
the **Python3** wrapper and the **SDL2** wrapper uses it, so I thought I'd try 

Any other ideas? 

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