Just in case I didn't make that clear enough: _explicit_ and _satisfies_ would 
be **optional**, I don't want to restrict concepts ore take anything away from 
them in any way.

> Concepts in C++ was designed to be used without explicitly stating the 
> interface. I thing golang interfaces work the same way.

Exactly, and interfaces **were** designed in other languages to be explicitly 
implemented, but the golang people don't give a damn about that, so maybe we 
can take some liberties, too . But seriously, if "explicit concept" really is a 
bad name, one could look at it as "interface on steroids" and invent a better 

@Araq: Making as much author intention as possible checkable by the compiler is 
seen as a good thing by many people. Since you don't seem to think it's 
important with concepts, I won't waste people's time with a lengthy discussion. 
Would you be ok with macro packages in the standard lib implementing structural 
language extensions like "explicit concept", "class" or "interface"? I 
understand the "We keep the language core lean and mean, implement the high 
level stuff you need with meta-programming" approach, but I'm afraid that will 
keep tons of people away from Nim if they don't get semi-official default 
implementations of useful things they already know.

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