To my knowledge, OCaml already has this feature to offer different syntaxes to 
the users, varying from enhanced 
[OCaml]( to 
[Scheme/List]( or even 

Even in C, you can 
    #define begin {
    #define end }

to switch to a Pascal-like syntax.

In fact, any language supporting macros allows a type of syntax variation. I'm 
not sure this is really a vending feature, nor desirable. If any programmer is 
able to favor a personal syntax style, how to you deal when they work on the 
same source file?

I'm leaving in a bilingual country, and I've spent my afternoon today splitting 
a bilingual document (you see, the kind with two columns, one in French and the 
other one in English) because a person with disabilities was not able to read 
it with her aural browser. Mixing languages in the same document is not always 
a smart idea...

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