> -> IntelliSense / Code completion

If it is really so "intelli", it should follow your casing (and guess your 
casing from the file you are editing).

I don't use code completion so I may not be the right person to discuss this.

> -> People following guides. Good luck on that. I can guarantee that unless 
> you work for a dictatorship team, different styles will flow out. Its extreme 
> hard to change people there previous build up experience / training.


I do follow guides and change my casing styles for different non-personal 

You have to follow the Linus Torvalds style in order to participate in the 
Linux kernel development, right? (Maybe he is too dictatorial as an example 

> -> External developers. Good luck again on getting them to perfectly follow 
> the casing guide. In general they work on different projects for different 
> departments or clients. So different styles will show up. Or simply laziness 
> with code completion. Its nice in theory, in practice things always turn out 
> different.

But at least a single style per file should be enforced.

* * *

> identifier_comparison_ignore_underscore 
> identifier_comparison_ignore_case_first_letter 
> identifier_comparison_ignore_case_rest_letters Sounds perfect to me. It will 
> add a large amount of flexibility. And if that integrates with code 
> completion, there is no reason why styles differ ( if the IDE's ). And if 
> people are bothered with the "free" casing style, it can now be reported that 
> you can have free or fixed styling. More options, more fun cjxgm: Want to put 
> it forward to the Nim committee for a vote?

It's just an initial thought. But it still can't solve the problem:

It encourages the design of GL_INT/GLint, and a library with that design can't 
be used by your partial casing code, and you still need a wrapper that is 
case-sensitive to reexport them as cGL_INT/GLint.

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