Hi all, I am practicing with win api function CreateFont. This is my code. 
After setting my new font, button's text is dissappearing. How to fix it. This 
is my CreateFont wrapper function. 
    proc createFontHadle(wHandle : HWND, fontName : string, fSize : int32, 
fWeight : int32 = 400,
                        bItalics : bool = false, bUnderLine : bool = false) : 
        var hFo : HFONT = 0
        var dcHandle : HDC
        var iHeight : int32
        var LOGICPIXELSY : int32  # this is not declared in win api library.
        var seventyTwo : int32 = 72 # compiler get angry when i use 72 inside 
the function
        dcHandle = GetDC(wHandle)  # here, wHandle is window's handle. Not 
button's handle
        iHeight = MulDiv(fSize, GetDeviceCaps(dcHandle, LOGICPIXELSY), 
        discard ReleaseDC(wHandle, dcHandle)
        hFo = CreateFont(iHeight, 0,0,0, fWeight, bItalics, bUnderLine, false, 
                            OUT_DEAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, 
                            DEFAULT_PITCH, fontName)
        return hFo

And this the wrapper for send message 
    proc setFont*(wHandle : HWND, chHwnd : HWND, fontName : string = "Tahoma", 
fontSize : int32 = 10) =
        var fHandle : HFONT = createFontHadle(wHandle, fontName, fontSize)
        discard SendMessage(chHwnd, WM_SETFONT, WPARAM(fHandle), 1)

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