This is a GTK2 question rather than a nim question. I hope some NIXER will 
disregard that and lend a hand. I have returned to a cross-platform GUI nim 
project after 6 months in the Javascript Wilderness. I discovered the GTK2 
version of my module was exercising the check-resize callback many more times 
than necessary.

I have been unsuccessful in finding the documentation for the check-resize 
signal - such as when it is emitted and what is done to its window just prior 
to that.

Eliding lots of detail, the signal is captured with:
    discard handle.signalConnect("check-resize",SIGNAL_FUNC(resizeReq),nil)

where handle is the top level window reference.

The call back (placed up-source) is like this: 
    proc resizeReq(widget: gtk2.PWindow, data: Pgpointer) {.cdecl.} =
        #steps not shown
        var wid,hgt:gint
        #steps using wid and hgt to revise children in widget.

When the user expands the window, how is the new size communicated to the 
window? Does the expansion do a set_size prior to sending the signal? Are these 
issues discussed anywhere?

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