Don't know if this is the right place to ask, but here I go

I'm a complete noob at programming, so I wanted to make a simple SDL2-based 
game framework as an exercise. I've managed to make it do what I wanted (Draw 
sprites, play sounds, draw primitives, pixel art etc.), BUT

It's absolute jank. Extremely janky, scrapped it together in like two days. I 
don't know anything about SDL, so for everything I just googled "SDL2 how to 
_thing_ " and tried to translate it to Nim. If it didn't work I just randomly 
changed pointers and variables until it did. Horrible development all round, 
pretty sure I just copypasted the boilerplate from some tutorial.

Also It doesn't work with the new Nim version.

Basically, I'm looking for someone who is more experienced with Nim to help me 
sort this out.


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