Having a conversation in two places at once is annoying, and I think this forum 
is much more valuable than Reddit, so I'll reply here:

> Oh. Awesome! Thank you. I have been traveling with the family for the 
> holidays so haven’t been checking. I’ll test it as soon as I can. Knew I 
> should have been using a tempfile, but I didn’t bother since I figured the 
> issue with the Error was unrelated.
> Do you know what is different about ‘execCmd’ that makes this work?

It's first important to understand how Unix terminals and 
[pipes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_\(Unix\)) operate. A pipe is a 
simple one-directional stream of text, mainly designed for programs that dump 
output and exit, like `dmesg | less`. Running `vim | less` gives you a warning, 
"output not to a terminal", and then it's a mess until you exit.

Vim is an interactive program that clears the screen, moves the cursor around, 
and interacts with the user until s\he exits. Vim can even let you edit 
multiple files, split the screen, show auto-suggest drop-downs, run other 
programs, etc. (Same for emacs, nano, mc, etc.) What it sends to stdout is a 
hodgepodge of strings and ANSI / [control 
characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_character). Vim doesn't dump 
the full file(s) to stdout, but to the filesystem when you save.

 runs the process as a pipe, captures any output it sends, and waits for it to 
terminate - which Vim, being an interactive program, doesn't do until it gets 
user keystrokes for quitting.

[execCmd](https://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html#execCmd%2Cstring) runs the 
program normally (manual says: "standard input, output, error streams are 
inherited from the calling process"), so that it can interact with the screen 
until it terminates. 

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