
When trying to solve some project Euler problem, I declared something like that:
    import tables
    const N = 16
    type Digit = range['0'..'9']
    var counters: array[N, TableCount[Digit]]
    var exclusion: array[N, set[Digit]]
    . . .

and got the usual warning message when dealing with a range which doesn't 
include the null value (here '0'):

_Warning: Cannot prove that 'counters' is initialized. This will become a 
compile time error in the future. [ProveInit]_

Of course, I could use _char_ instead of _Digit_ , but for the sets using a 
_char_ will be less efficient (256 bits for each set instead of 9 bits rounded 
to 16). In this case, this is not the memory cost which would be a problem, but 
the performance. And anyway using _char_ instead of _Digit_ is ugly.

Using {.noInit.} doesn't change anything, so, for now, I have to live with the 

But, is there a better way to do this?

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