in the VB lib, which calls functions in 32bits DLL, there are something I am 
not very sure

1\. many arguments are declared as LONG in the VB files. I found that LONG is 
signed 64-bit integers on 
 . But var a:int64 can't be compiled with nim 32bits

So, what can we use in nim to replace the long in VB?

2\. in the VB version, strings are wrapped by a function 
    Private Function L(data As String) As String
    L = StrConv(data, vbUnicode)
    End Function
    hBtn = XBtn_Create(8, 30, 100, 20, L("button"), hWindow)

How can we represented this convertor in nim? When I use string directly, the 
displayed characters are not what I expected. I also tried +$(string) in 
winimwinstr.nim, but the displayed character is wrong too.

3\. in the VB version, an argument is the address of function 
    Public Function OnClick(ByRef bHandle As Long) As Long
        bHandle = True
        OnClick = 0
    End Function
    XEle_RegEventC hBtn, XE_BNCLICK, AddressOf OnClick

how can we do that in nim?


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