First, I'd like to thank you for all the answers. You really gave me some good 
knowledge about how I could approach my friend. However, he's found another 
argument I really can't beat with my own knowledge. He says Nim's unreadable 
for programmers coming from other languages.

My main contr-argument was that you can always read the documentation; heck, 
the tutorial for the language is well-written and easy to understand. But he 
keeps bragging that he doesn't want to read any docs; he just wants to 
understand code in any language.

For me, that really shows his ignorance and lazyness. It's not really hard to 
deduce Nim's language features, some may be easier to deduce than others, but 
if I wouldn't know Nim and read the codebase of, for example, `nimforum`, as 
@Araq suggested, I'd at least try to understand the code using my knowledge 
from other languages. I probably wouldn't understand what `proc` means, or 
``*`, or how generics are written, but by looking at more source code I'd be 
able to deduce what at least 2 of those 3 examples do (can you guess which is 
the hardest to deduce?). But the fact is, every developer is different, some 
may be too lazy to even look at something's source code, or too lazy to try and 
deduce the functions of different operators. You cannot develop software 
without the use of documentation, and that's what he doesn't understand and 
keeps bragging about.

Again, thank you for all the answers, and happy new year!

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