I noticed the following example in the nim manual to demonstrate how to use an 
untraced object:
      Data = tuple[x, y: int, s: string]
    # allocate memory for Data on the heap:
    var d = cast[ptr Data](alloc0(sizeof(Data)))
    # create a new string on the garbage collected heap:
    d.s = "abc"
    # tell the GC that the string is not needed anymore:
    # free the memory:

But when I test the code, I found that even if I've commented `GCunref(d.s)` 
out, no memory leak will happen (according to memory usage by `top`). Below is 
my full test code:
    proc foobar(i:int) =
        Data = tuple[x, y: int, s: string]
      # allocate memory for Data on the heap:
      var d = cast[ptr Data](alloc0(sizeof(Data)))
      # create a new string on the garbage collected heap:
      # use a different string everytime to prevent any "cache" if possible
      d.s = $i
      # tell the GC that the string is not needed anymore:
      # free the memory:
    for i in 0..1000000000:

I've tried to find out what happend by looking at definations of functions like 
`unsureAsgnRef` etc. in the source code, but they all give me the impression 
that memory leak should happen here. Have I got something wrong? Or GCunref() 
isn't necessary in this case?

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