To be clear, while Nim is a wide spectrum language, ie, one that can be used at 
many abstraction levels. I believe that its best opportunity is as a competitor 
to low level system programming languages, competing with C++, C, Rust, D, and 
maybe now Zig. It should have a very clear story about programming sans runtime 
to compete in that space. Getting that working well also helps Nim in gamedev 
and data science, and other areas, so Go is also a competitor. Maybe even in 
HPC too, where Chapel hopes to make headway against C++ and Fortran.

I really dislike Javascript, to put it mildly, and have no doubt that even a 
restricted version of Nim is a better and more productive language than ES7 or 
Typescript, but for people who want something better many alternatives already 
exist. I just think that pushing Nim in there now, given the current state of 
Nim, is biting off more than the Nim community can chew. I realize there is 
disagreement, and if I thought that the effort going into JS backend tools had 
no affect on the rest I wouldn't care. 

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