
I wanted to enquire about the creation of DLLs in Nim and the requirement to 
include nimrtl.dll in the final project.

I've read in the compiler documentation that:

> Nim supports the generation of DLLs. However, there must be only one instance 
> of the GC per process/address space. This instance is contained in 
> nimrtl.dll. This means that every generated Nim DLL depends on nimrtl.dll.


I was wondering if it's possible to create a standalone 32 bit DLL (no thread 
safety required) by tweaking the GC options — and, in case it was possible, at 
what price this could be achieved in terms of extra work to do.

The usecase I have in mind is rather simple, the DLL is intended to communicate 
with the invoking app to exchange short messages via string pointers, and carry 
out some file operations and in-memory image data manipulation. Basically, the 
DLL is intended as an extension to an existing image application to add support 
for other image formats (save and load).

I'd prefer not having to ship an extra DLL with it, so if there was a way to do 
without nimrtl.dll it would preferable.

Thanks for all the support (please, bare in mind that I'm a Nim absolute 

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