If all you want is to prevent the equality operator (==), you can do:
      I1 = distinct uint32
      I2 = distinct uint32
    converter toU32 (value: I1): uint32 = value.uint32
    converter toU32 (value: I2): uint32 = value.uint32
    proc `==`(i1: I1, i2: I2): bool {.error: "Thou shall not compare types I1 
and I2".}
      v: uint32 = 1
      v1: I1 = 1.I1
      v2: I2 = 1.I2
    if (v1 == v): # works
      echo "1: true"
    if (v2 == v): # works
      echo "2: true"
    if (v1 == v2): # compile error!
      echo "3: true"

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