
Richard here! Thank you so much for mentioning me! I am very happy to see that 
you continued on the project! The reason that I have not gotten back to you is 
because I was in an accident for two months ago and lost a month of time, my 
computer and of course all of my logins. Along with that two months or so worth 
of nim code. Nim code that was part of my open source research on input methods.

As akavel mentioned I participated to a small extent to this project. In 
particular in investigating on how to create a dalvik backend for NIM! I do 
sincerely believe that this would be a very interesting milestone for the 
nim-sphere as a whole.

I would argue against native interface for two reasons:

  1. use of x86 android for convinient debugging in native virtual machines
  2. the plethora of x86 android devices

The fundamentals for implementing a third language is already there as most of 
the hard work already have been done in a sense for C and JS. Also there are a 
lot of cunning helpful people here with knowledge that they can share.

As for the PR-aspects this could be a huge deal for nim! Practical non bloated 
development that can target web, backend and mobile would make a killer deal. 
Think how many apps that in practice only are web pages wrapped in thin layers. 
node.js got it's success from joining backend and frontend in a convinient 
package. If a language / environment could join these three I see a lot of 

As akavel goes into the dalvik is not as an scary beast as it would seem. Being 
a virtual machine there are a quite a few nice high level features there to 
make the job easier. I do not think the PR aspects for supporting this platform 
should be underated. Also it is a lot of fun to get into the gritty details of 
the subject!!

Still one option that would be more in line with the project in general would 
be to simply generate plain java code and pass that along to a java compiler. 
I'm sure that there are no shortage of java developers here.

Unfortunately I am due to abovementioned accident stranded and broke in Turkey 
and am forced to do my work on a Android 5.1 tablet with 1 GB RAM. Even though 
it''s good to develop for low end devices as to make resource efficient code I 
can tell you it's not to pleasant as an development machine. More importantly 
it rules out coding in nim. So before I can help the nim project I have to find 
a way to help my self :S

For my new github: 

Needless any support/donations/comments would be really apriciated! 

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