I use table in type like: 
      RenderableObject* = object
        vertices_tbl*: Table[int, seq[float32]]
        indices_tbl*: Table[int, seq[uint32]]
    # init
    var FACE : RenderableObject
    FACE.vertices_tbl = initTable[int, seq[float32]]()
    FACE.indices_tbl  = initTable[int, seq[uint32]]()
    #init the seq
    proc CreateFace(f: int, pos: int) =
      if not hasKey(FACE.vertices_tbl, pos):
        FACE.vertices_tbl[pos] = @[]
        FACE.indices_tbl[pos] = @[]

but in OpenGL function where i specify the container 
    proc CreateBuffers*(obj: RenderableObject) {.inline.} =
    # # #
      glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vertices_tbl[f].len*sizeof(GLfloat), 
obj.vertices_tbl[f][0].unsafeAddr, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
    # # #

It says it cant get the address.

Is it because its not yet initialized? if I pass it with var like _obj: var 
RenderableObject_ it works, but that kinda defeats the purpose and its very slow

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