@jyapayne, I might be doing something differently, but here's what I'm finding.

  1. Go to a line that exceeds the buffer size (e.g., the line starting with 
#CHROM; I assume you're testing on 
  2. Search for `CHROM`, and I believe you'll find at least one additional 
occurrence of it on that line (there should only be one)

I haven't worked with pointers since college, so I may not be following 
everything correctly, but I believe the bug is in the following conditional 
    if data[last] == '\l':
      buffer.add data[last+1 ..< pos]

Essentially, on any line that exceeds the buffer, I think it's adding 
everything from the beginning of the buffer to the new `pos` value, because 
`last` is not updating. I assume it breaks out of that loop once it gets to the 
end of that line and encounters `\L`.

I hope I'm not making you chase a non-existent bug, but I don't see that I'm 
making any errors.

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