Have you converted it by c2nim initially?

I have no idea about your goal of course -- low level code is still low level 
even when coded in low level Nim...

First a remark about your proc
    proc `toref`[T](x: var T): ref T =
      cast[ref typeof(x)](x.addr)

that can not really work, you can not cast an arbitrary variable of type T to a 
ref. In Nim a ref is a GC traced reference to an object, there is a refcount 
and type information involved, which is much more than a plain pointer. So 
delete this proc now!

Have you verified size of
      tnode_t* = object
        nodetype*: int32
        normal*: array[3, float32]
        dist*: float32
        children*: array[2, int32]
        pad*: int32

I am not sure, but I would guess that when you not mark this object with pure 
pragma, then there may be additional type information included in the object 
instance -- making it larger and decreasing number of instances in cache.

I can't see other issues on a first look, you may have to compare line by line. 
Maybe inspect Nim's intermediate C code. Tiny differences may make big 
differences in performance, for example the original C code may be optimized 
that the C compiler generates fine SIMD instructions, which may not work with 
Nim's C output.

But of course it is great that your Nim version works at all!

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