Hi I was hoping it was ok for me to make a thread like this since I found no 
other thread when using search. I am reading and writing all the examples in 
the Nim in Action book which is extremely helpful. But there are some things 
not explained. I was hoping beginners could post questions here to the more 
advanced users.

The "assert" and "doAssert" functions(using the word function loosely here), 
are in several examples like:

let numbers = @[1,2,3,4,5,6]

let odd = filter(numbers, proc (x: int): bool = x mod 2 != 0)

assert odd == @[1,3,5]


doAssert getUserCity("Damien", "Lundi") == "Tokyo" doAssert getUserCity(2) == 
"New York"

I read that it has something to do with the compiler, but I still don't 
understand it.

Thank you for any answers, would be very helpful and much appreciated.

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