This compiles:
    import tables, asynchttpserver
    type Server* = object
        port: int
        routes: Table[string, Table[string, proc(request: Request) {.cdecl.}]]
        allowedMethods: seq[string]
    proc newServer*: Server =
        result.port = 8080
        result.allowedMethods = @["GET", "POST"]
        result.routes = initTable[string, Table[string, proc(request: Request) 
    proc addRoute*(self: var Server, httpMethod, route: string, handler: 
proc(request: Request) {.cdecl.}) =
            if self.routes.hasKey(httpMethod):
                self.routes[httpMethod][route] = handler # Error here before 
                self.routes[httpMethod] = {route: handler}.toTable

You might want to look into "jester" though.

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