Thanks @mashingan. My intention is to bring up a point (that popped up in an 
earlier post that I can't find) in which @araq and others that I can't 
remember, were talking about flexing out the restrictions, to allow duplication 
of either field labels or field names, when used in the case discrimination 
block for object variants. I could not find the post to append this case though.

In fact I made my example short enough for the forum, but I was trying to 
reduce a longer set of object types that looks like your first workaround, into 
a single object variant. Nesting objects is for sure what works since the 80's 
and 90's (i.e. I used it a lot in Turbo Pascal). The issue is that then you 
require double indexing like pointA.cyl.phi, instead of something like 
polarA.phi, but I can live with that.

Your second workaround is kind of cumbersome due to the need of exceptions, but 
i'll explore more about such approach. It gave me some enlightenment in an 
operator overload like x= (I didn't know you could use a proc name with it, and 
that's a nice feature.

What I'm trying to do, is to merge a large group of coordinate systems (not 
only 3D but from 1-D to N-D) into a single one, while exploring the 
possibilities in Nim, and that's how I got stuck. So it gets larger and larger 
as you start implementing (I have not yet, but a good initial type definition 
is the clue for a nice and intuitive library). Here the idea, still in its 
      #           COORDINATE SYSTEM NOTATION      RULE   DIM    BUs    PRINT 
($)             (ARGUMENTS)                NOTES
      CoordinateSystem* = enum
        csC1D,  # Cartesian 1-D or Line Number __ RHR __ 1-D __ L   __ (x) 
_________________ (x) ____________________ [                          ]
        csC2D,  # Cartesian 2-D or Polar ________ RHR __ 2-D __ LL  __ (x, y) 
______________ (x, y) _________________ [                          ]
        csC3D,  # Cartesian 3-D _________________ RHR __ 3-D __ LLL __ (x, y, 
z) ___________ (x, y, z) ______________ [                          ]
        csCar,  # Cartesian N-D _________________ RHR __ N-D __ L-L __ (x0, 
x1,... xN-1) ___ (x[0] .. x[n-1]) _______ [ x0=x, x1=y, x2=z         ]
        csPol,  # Polar _________________________ RHR __ 2-D __ LA  __ (r, φ) 
______________ (r, phi) _______________ [ φ=azimuthal_a            ]
        csCyl,  # Cylindrical ___________________ RHR __ 3-D __ LAL __ (r, φ, 
z) ___________ (r, phi, z) ____________ [ φ=azimuthal_a            ]
        csSph,  # Spherical _____________________ RHR __ 3-D __ LAA __ (ρ, θ, 
φ) ___________ (rho, theta, phi) ______ [ θ=polar_a, φ=azimuthal_a ]
      #[not defined (yet)
        # Orthogonal 2-D candidates
        csLin,  # Line Number ___________________ RHR __ 1-D __ L   __ (x) 
_________________ (x) ____________________ [ csLin=csC1D              ]
        csPla,  # Planar ________________________ RHR __ 2-D __ LL  __ (x, y) 
______________ (x, y) _________________ [ csPla=csC2D              ]
        csEuc,  # Euclidean _____________________     __     __     __  
        csOrt,  # Orthogonal ____________________     __     __     __  
        csCur,  # Curvilinear ___________________     __     __     __  
        csHSp,  # Hyperspherical ________________     __     __     __  
        csPar,  # Parabolic 2-D _________________     __     __     __  
        csEll,  # Elliptic 2-D __________________     __     __     __  
        cs1CB,  # One Center Bipolar ____________     __ 2-D __ LA  __ (σ, τ) 
______________ (sigma, tau)
        cs2CB,  # Two Center Bipolar ____________     __ 2-D __ LL  __ (r1, r2) 
____________ (r1, r2)
        csBAn,  # Biangular _____________________     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (θ1, θ2) 
____________ (thheta1, thheta2)
        csLoP,  # Logaritmic Polar ______________     __ 2-D __ LA  __ (ρ, θ) 
______________ (rho, theta)
        csHom,  # Homogeneous ___________________     __ 3-D __ LLL __ (x : y : 
z) _________ (x, y, z)
        csGeo,  # Geographic or Geodesic ________     __ 3-D __ AAL __ (φ, λ, 
h) ___________ (phi, lambda, h) or (lat, lon, ele)
        csHor,  # Celestial Horizontal __________     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (a, A) 
______________ (al, az)
        cdEqu,  # Celestial Equatorial __________     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (δ, α) 
______________ (delta, alpha)
        csEcl,  # Celestial Ecliptic ____________     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (β, λ) 
______________ (beta, lambda)
        csGal,  # Celestial Galactic ____________     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (b, l) 
______________ (b, l)
        csSup   # Celestial Supergalactic _______     __ 2-D __ AA  __ (SGB, 
SGL) __________ (sgb, sgl)
        csErr   # Used if a wrong parameter count for the selected Coordinate 
System was entered

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