Did Nim ever get anything like this?

Here's an example of the two null-safe features that are baked in most modern 
languages (PHP, Groovy, Kotlin...)
    someVariable?.someMethod("argument") ?: "otherwise"
    |           |                        |
    |           |                        |  elvis operator: if the left-side is 
not null,
    |           |                        |  return its value and don't execute 
the right side,
    |           |                        \_ otherwise execute it and return its 
    |           |
    |           |  null-safe call operator: if the left-side is null, the 
procedure is never
    |           |  called and the result of the expression is null or void, 
depending on the
    |           \_ return value of someMethod (whether it's a nullable value or 
    \_ a variable that can be null

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