Your error message makes no sense for me, and your proc compiles fine for me:
      Matrix*[W, H: static int] = array[W, array[H, float]]
    func xsubmatrix*[W, H](m: Matrix[W, H]): Matrix[W - 1, H - 1] =
      for row in 0 ..< high(m):
        for col in 0 ..< high(m[0]):
          result[row][col] = m[row][col]
    # Remove specified row and column
    func submatrix*[W, H](m: Matrix[W, H], rowIdx, colIdx: int): Matrix[W - 1, 
H - 1] =
      for row in 0 .. high(m):
        var resultRow = row
        if row == rowIdx: continue
        elif row > rowIdx: resultRow.dec(1)
        for col in 0 .. high(m[0]):
          var resultCol = col
          if col == colIdx:
          elif col > colIdx: resultCol.dec(1)
          result[resultRow][resultCol] = m[row][col]
      m: Matrix[3, 3]
    let s = submatrix(m, 1, 1)
    echo s.len
    echo s[0].len
    $ nim c -r t.nim
    Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
    Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/Nim/config/config.nims' [Conf]
    Hint: system [Processing]
    Hint: widestrs [Processing]
    Hint: io [Processing]
    Hint: t [Processing]
    Hint:  [Link]
    Hint: 21948 LOC; 0.167 sec; 24.613MiB peakmem; Debug build; proj: 
/tmp/hhh/t.nim; out: /tmp/hhh/t [SuccessX]
    Hint: /tmp/hhh/t  [Exec]
    stefan@nuc /tmp/hhh $ nim -v
    Nim Compiler Version 1.1.1 [Linux: amd64]
    Compiled at 2020-03-13
    Copyright (c) 2006-2019 by Andreas Rumpf
    git hash: 9eeb514dda08f1caadb0d8e01a8595d991530b52
    active boot switches: -d:release
    stefan@nuc /tmp/hhh $

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