There are several ways,

if the python app is fired only once, then maybe command line params and stdout 
are enough for communication.

or both applications communicate with network sockets:
    Socket one
    nim -socket-> python
    - python do this
    - python do that
    nim <-socket- python
    - nim this was done
    - nim update the gui please

you could send line seperated json objects through the network socket, this 
would just require readLine() and parseJson() on both sides.

I've choosen two sockets for this proposal, because then socket1 can always 
send, and socket2 can always receive (or the other way around).

Please also remember that it does not make a difference who is initiating a tcp 
conneciton. So who is the "server" does not matter. It could be nim or python 
who is listening.

If you have more concrete questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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