YAY! That's extremely good news. Thanks a lot!

I particularly love to see _full_ H3 - incl. 'invariant'. Are there also plans 
to provide quantors ('forall', 'exists' (plus negation))? Even hotter: Are 
there plans to provide a _compile time_ interface to Z3? I'm asking because 
that would be the "sweet spot" in terms of the least work for the Nim team 
while providing full formal capabilities for those (probably rather few) Nim 
developers who need full formal verification, some kind of transfer to/from 
model checkers, etc.

Last but not least, having some capabilities and/or interface to formal 
analysis would (IMO) pretty much close the gap between Nim and Ada+Spark plus 
it would open the door to (step by step) have Nim's stdlib and some major Nim 
libs fully verified. That plus the fact that Nim, while (still) lacking some of 
Ada's strengths, also has some strengths that Ada does not have (and is 
extremely unlikely to ever get) could make Nim _preferrable_ over Ada.

I'm really enchanted by the news. Thanks so much @Araq and Nim team! [pls. 
imagine a "heart" icon here which to make/insert I'm too clueless]

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